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Solutions to Chestnut Leave Withering
2004-06-13 15:08

The study of chestnut leave withering chaired by the Zunhua Municipal Forestry Bureau has passed recent experts' verification. The study classified chestnut leave withering symptoms and types and worked out the solutions for prevention and treatment.

In 1995, researchers discovered a new chestnut tree disease in the Yanshan area, a major chestnut production base. Once being attacked, the chestnut trees will be seriously affected on an extensive basis, causing the reduction of both yield and quality. Researchers started the study from 2000 and found that the withering is mainly caused by either the excessive application of boron or by potassium insufficiency. The solutions are therefore controlling the boron application and making up the needed potassium. The control process has found main expressions in controlling the application of boron with no more than 15g of boron be annually applied over per square meter of the chestnut canopy and increasing the application of organic fertilizers. The boron applications are measured on every three year basis so as to define the rational application volume in line "with the soil and growth conditions.  Potassium insufficiency can be addressed mainly through satisfying the demand of chestnut trees by spraying potassium in an amount of 20g per square meter canopy a year. The desirable application time is the late June or early July. In addition, the growth agent is advised to be applied over tree leaves with a frequency of 2 — 4 times a year. The three — year consecutive experiments and diffusions over Zunhua area, Hebei Province and Huairou area, Beijing have demonstrated fine economic retunes.

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